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Showing posts from October, 2023

Responsible Disclosure : Security Misconfiguration leading to HPE's Jenkins exposed to internet without authentication

Introduction In the world of DevOps and CI/CD, Jenkins holds a special place as a versatile automation tool. However, like any software, it's not immune to security vulnerabilities or misconfiguration . In this blog post, we'll explore a recent Jenkins security misconfiguration issue I discovered and reported to HPE Security Response on 5th May 2023. Now that the issue is resolved, I'm sharing the technical details of the discovery.  Disclaimer: Rest assured, no information has been disclosed to any third party, and no actions have been taken that could potentially harm the organization. It's important to clarify that no scanning of HPE assets has occurred. In adherence to the responsible disclosure process, I promptly reported the identified issue and maintained complete confidentiality for over 150+ days before sharing this disclosure. This publication strictly refrains from revealing any information related to HPE, their users, customers, or any associated entities.